AMPL Interface
AMPL is an algebraic modeling language for describing
large-scale complex mathematical problems, it was hooked to many commercial
and open-source mathematical optimizers, with various data interfaces and
extensions, and received high popularity among both industries and institutes,
see Who uses AMPL? for more information.
The solver coptampl
(located in the "\bin"
directory of the COPT installation package)
uses Cardinal Optimizer to solve linear programming, convex quadratic programming, convex quadratic constrainted programming and mixed integer programming problems. Normally coptampl
is invoked
by AMPL’s solve command, which gives the invocation:
coptampl stub -AMPL
in which
is an AMPL generic output file (possibly written by
'ampl -obstub'
or 'ampl -ogstub'
). After solving the problem,
writes a stub.sol
file for use by AMPL’s solve and solution
commands. When you run AMPL, this all happens automatically if you
give the AMPL commands:
ampl: option solver coptampl;
ampl: solve;
Installation Guide
To use coptampl
in AMPL, you must have a valid AMPL license and make sure
that you have installed Cardinal Optimizer and setup its license properly,
see How to install Cardinal Optimizer for details.
Be sure to check if it satisfies the following requirements for different
operating systems.
On Windows platform, the coptampl.exe
utility and the copt.dll
library contained in the Cardinal Optimizer must appear somewhere in your
user or system PATH
environment variable (or in the current directory).
To test if your setting meets the above requirements, you can check it by executing commands below in command prompt:
coptampl -v
And you are expected to see output similar to the following on screen:
AMPL/x-COPT Optimizer [7.1.1] (windows-x86), driver(20220526), MP(20220526)
If the commands failed, then you should recheck your settings.
On Linux platform, the coptampl
utility must appears somewhere in your
environment variable, while the
shared library must
appears somewhere in your $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
environment variable.
Similarly, to test if your setting meets the above requirements, just execute commands below in shell:
coptampl -v
And you are expected to see output similar to the following on screen:
AMPL/x-COPT Optimizer [7.1.1] (linux-x86), driver(20220526), MP(20220526)
If the commands failed, please recheck your settings.
On MacOS platform, the coptampl
utility must appears somewhere in your
environment variable, while the libcopt.dylib
dynamic library
must appears somewhere in your $DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH
environment variable.
You can execute commands below in shell to see if your settings meets the above requirements:
coptampl -v
And you are expected to see output similar to the following on screen:
AMPL/x-COPT Optimizer [7.1.1] (macos-x86), driver(20220526), MP(20220526)
If the commands failed, then please recheck your settings.
Solver Options and Exit Codes
The coptampl
utility offers some options to customize its behavior. Uers can
control it by setting the environment variable copt_options
or use AMPL’s
command. To see all available options, please invoke:
coptampl -=
The supported parameters and their interpretation for current version are shown in Table 5:
Parameter |
Interpretation |
barhomogeneous |
whether to use homogeneous self-dual form in barrier |
bariterlimit |
iteration limit of barrier method |
barthreads |
number of threads used by barrier |
basis |
whether to use or return basis status |
bestbound |
whether to return best bound by suffix |
conflictanalysis |
whether to perform conflict analysis |
crossoverthreads |
number of threads used by crossover |
cutlevel |
level of cutting-planes generation |
divingheurlevel |
level of diving heuristics |
dualize |
whether to dualize a problem before solving it |
dualperturb |
whether to allow the objective function perturbation |
dualprice |
specifies the dual simplex pricing algorithm |
dualtol |
the tolerance for dual solutions and reduced cost |
feastol |
the feasibility tolerance |
heurlevel |
level of heuristics |
iisfind |
whether to compute IIS and return result |
iismethod |
specify the IIS method |
inttol |
the integrality tolerance for variables |
logging |
whether to print solving logs |
logfile |
name of log file |
exportfile |
name of model file to be exported |
lpmethod |
method to solve the LP problem |
matrixtol |
input matrix coefficient tolerance |
mipstart |
whether to use initial values for MIP problem |
miptasks |
number of MIP tasks in parallel |
nodecutrounds |
rounds of cutting-planes generation of tree node |
nodelimit |
node limit of the optimization |
objno |
objective number to solve |
count |
whether to count the number of solutions |
stub |
name prefix for alternative MIP solutions written |
presolve |
level of presolving before solving a problem |
relgap |
the relative gap of optimization |
absgap |
the absolute gap of optimization |
return_mipgap |
whether to return absolute/relative gap by suffix |
rootcutlevel |
level of cutting-planes generation of root node |
rootcutrounds |
rounds of cutting-planes generation of root node |
roundingheurlevel |
level of rounding heuristics |
scaling |
whether to perform scaling before solving a problem |
simplexthreads |
number of threads used by dual simplex |
sos |
whether to use ‘.sosno’ and ‘.ref’ suffix |
sos2 |
whether to use SOS2 to represent piecewise linear terms |
strongbranching |
level of strong branching |
submipheurlevel |
level of Sub-MIP heuristics |
threads |
number of threads to use |
timelimit |
time limit of the optimization |
treecutlevel |
level of cutting-planes generation of search tree |
wantsol |
whether to generate ‘.sol’ file |
Please refer to COPT Parameters for details.
AMPL uses suffix to store or pass model and solution information, and also some
extension features, such as support for SOS constraints. Currently, coptampl
support suffix information as shown in Suffix supported by coptampl :
Suffix |
Interpretation |
absmipgap |
absolute gap for MIP problem |
bestbound |
best bound for MIP problem |
iis |
store IIS status of variables or constraints |
nsol |
number of pool solutions written |
ref |
weight of variable in SOS constraint |
relmipgap |
relative gap for MIP problem |
sos |
store type of SOS constraint |
sosno |
type of SOS constraint |
sosref |
store variable weight in SOS constraint |
sstatus |
basis status of variables and constraints |
Users who want to know how to use SOS constraints in AMPL, please refer to resources in AMPL’s website: How to use SOS constraints in AMPL .
When solving finished, coptampl
will display a status message and return
exit code to AMPL. The exit code can be displayed by:
ampl: display solve_result_num;
If no solution was found or something unexpected happened, coptampl
return non-zero code to AMPL from Table 7:
Exit Code |
Interpretation |
0 |
optimal solution |
200 |
infeasible |
300 |
unbounded |
301 |
infeasible or unbounded |
600 |
user interrupted |
Example Usage
The following section will illustrate the use of AMPL by a well-known example called “Diet problem”, which finds a mix of foods that satisfies requirements on the amounts of various vitamins, see AMPL book for details.
Suppose the following kinds of foods are available for the following prices per unit, see Table 8:
Food |
Price |
3.19 |
2.59 |
2.29 |
2.89 |
1.89 |
1.99 |
1.99 |
2.49 |
These foods provide the following percentages, per unit, of the minimum daily requirements for vitamins A, C, B1 and B2, see Table 9:
A |
C |
B1 |
B2 |
60% |
20% |
10% |
15% |
8 |
0 |
20 |
20 |
8 |
10 |
15 |
10 |
40 |
40 |
35 |
10 |
15 |
35 |
15 |
15 |
70 |
30 |
15 |
15 |
25 |
50 |
25 |
15 |
60 |
20 |
15 |
10 |
The problem is to find the cheapest combination that meets a week’s requirements, that is, at least 700% of the daily requirements for each nutrient.
To summarize, the mathematical form for the above problem can be modeled as shown in Eq. 6:
The AMPL model for above problem is shown in diet.mod
see Listing 7:
1# The code is adopted from:
5# with some modification by developer of the Cardinal Optimizer
7set NUTR;
8set FOOD;
10param cost {FOOD} > 0;
11param f_min {FOOD} >= 0;
12param f_max {j in FOOD} >= f_min[j];
14param n_min {NUTR} >= 0;
15param n_max {i in NUTR} >= n_min[i];
17param amt {NUTR, FOOD} >= 0;
19var Buy {j in FOOD} >= f_min[j], <= f_max[j];
21minimize Total_Cost:
22 sum {j in FOOD} cost[j] * Buy[j];
24subject to Diet {i in NUTR}:
25 n_min[i] <= sum {j in FOOD} amt[i, j] * Buy[j] <= n_max[i];
The data file for above problem is shown in diet.dat
see Listing 8:
1# The data is adopted from:
5# with some modification by developer of the Cardinal Optimizer
9set NUTR := A B1 B2 C ;
12param: cost f_min f_max :=
13 BEEF 3.19 0 100
14 CHK 2.59 0 100
15 FISH 2.29 0 100
16 HAM 2.89 0 100
17 MCH 1.89 0 100
18 MTL 1.99 0 100
19 SPG 1.99 0 100
20 TUR 2.49 0 100 ;
22param: n_min n_max :=
23 A 700 10000
24 C 700 10000
25 B1 700 10000
26 B2 700 10000 ;
28param amt (tr):
29 A C B1 B2 :=
30 BEEF 60 20 10 15
31 CHK 8 0 20 20
32 FISH 8 10 15 10
33 HAM 40 40 35 10
34 MCH 15 35 15 15
35 MTL 70 30 15 15
36 SPG 25 50 25 15
37 TUR 60 20 15 10 ;
To solve the problem with coptampl
in AMPL, just type commands in command
prompt on Windows or shell on Linux and MacOS:
ampl: model diet.mod;
ampl: data diet.dat;
ampl: option solver coptampl;
ampl: option copt_options 'logging 1';
ampl: solve;
solve it quickly and display solving log and status message on screen:
x-COPT 5.0.1: optimal solution; objective 88.2
1 simplex iterations
So coptampl
claimed it found the optimal solution, and the minimal cost is
88.2 units. You can further check the solution by:
ampl: display Buy;
And you will get:
Buy [*] :=
MCH 46.6667
So if we buy 46.667 units of MCH, we will have a minimal cost of 88.2 units.